About the Instructor

  • Neve Grace

    Neve Grace

    Neve Grace is an altruistic entrepreneur, certified Ayurvedic Health Coach, and Yoga Teacher with a worldwide vision for embodied feminine leadership, healthy relationship dynamics, and a spiritual revolutionary movement of sacred sexuality. Neve is guided to share the pleasure and power of honoring and embracing your feminine wisdom, activating sacred sexual power, and harnessing spiritual creative energy to manifest your dreams into reality.

What they're saying....

Julia Scoggins

My life has improved greatly...

Julia Scoggins

My life has improved greatly since I acted on my long-time desire to become a member of Neve's coaching group. No longer do I cry often and question every decision I make. The depression that's been with me most of my 68 years has lifted. So broad has been my experience of change and "up-leveling" during the past year, that it's difficult to explain all the parts/reasons/understandings/practices that made that possible. The basic Ayurvedic practices taught by Neve led me to a healthier, more purposeful life.
Reuel Atkinson

..a beautiful camaraderie and experience.

Reuel Atkinson

This Fall I embraced the opportunity to cleanse for the first time. I had many fresh observations and connections with myself. Felt stronger, sharper, lighter, and more nimble in my body. Slowing down and saying no to certain things and expanding my yes to new and healthier practices, gave me a beautiful gift that keeps giving. In the past, I viewed cleanses as a challenge I was too busy to take on and found the idea of the unknown and uncomfortable overwhelming. This community has helped me get out of my head and dive right in. So much practical support and respect for everyone's unique expressions and goals along with our common focus, a beautiful camaraderie, and experience.


your Breakthrough Session with Neve